
齒輪、秒針、變速器、纖維玻璃, 28×23 cm, 2023

Last Time
Gears, second hand, transmission, fiberglass, 28×23 cm, 2023
*Click on the image to view the video.

老者快用盡的時間於生活中顯現緩慢。爺爺從加護病房出院後,簽署放棄急救同意書並開始安寧照護,作息不規律與退化導致他認知錯亂,家人常以現在幾點這個問題來確認他的狀態。 我將爺爺畫的時鐘,製作成一個137秒一分鐘的慢速時鐘,表現一種容易忽視的流逝。

"Time is the relationship between the subject and the other." - Emmanuel Levinas
In the past two years, I have been in the community and interacted with the elderly, and I have realized the difference in how we feel about time. The time that the elderly are almost running out of appears slowly in their lives. I made the clock drawn by my grandfather into a slow clock with 137 seconds per minute, which is a metaphor for a flow that is easy to ignore.

Chu, Chungwen